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LEAP Legal Software has just released an update to the LEAP Office10 system requirements. The major update in these system requirements is the inclusion of support for 64bit operating systems for the LEAP Office10 Server. Desktop clients are still required to run a 32bit operating system.
The additions included are:
This is a much needed feature for clients looking to upgrade to LEAP Office10. Firms can now future proof their investments by being able to run the latest version of the Microsoft Windows Server operating system. Firms that are currently running LEAP from Small Business Server 2003 can now upgrade to Small Business Server 2008 which is only available as a 64bit application. Microsoft Server 2008 R2 is now also supported for firms that are not running Small Business Server.
The Legacy Software section has also been updated to below:
Some legacy software (such as Perfect Balance, Open Practice, Locus) may cause interference with the running of LEAP Software. For this reason, it must be uninstalled from the LEAP Server and installed onto a separate, standalone Server.
It is also recommended that it be removed from all non-essential Workstations prior to the installation of LEAP Products.
Please always refer to the published system requirements for the latest information. The system requirements are available by visiting the LEAP website at and logging into the client portal.
All LEAP Legal Support is now delivered through ServiceScaler
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